Focus On Writing

Focus On Writing: Eliminate Distractions And Strengthen Your Skills

Did you know that the average person uses the internet as a means of procrastinating for approximately 1.5 hours a day?

Whether you’re a student, a writer, or anyone with written work to complete, procrastination is your biggest enemy. When we have a large or daunting project to complete, our brains can easily make it appear more appealing to do anything else at all.

When you are able to confront the urge to procrastinate head-on, your writing skills only stand to improve. However, to achieve the focus writing demands, you must fight this problem at the root.

The following tips can help you ward off distractions.

Focus Writing by Recognizing Resistance

writing assignment

We all know the feeling: we sit down to get started working on a writing assignment with a set deadline but find ourselves opening a social media tab and aimlessly scrolling for a while first.

To confront this immediate urge, it’s important to recognize it for what it is. Your mind, knowing it’s facing an oncoming challenge it’s intimidated by, instantly moves to the path of least resistance to give itself a break before you’ve ever done any of the work you need to do.

To have any hope of concentrating on writing, understand that this aversion, however innocent it may seem, is a direct threat to your accomplishing your task. Make yourself instantly aware of when it’s happening, and train your mind to see it for what it is

Eliminating Distraction

You will be all the more successful in avoiding distractions if you set hard boundaries against them.

Try setting a timer for a set stretch of time, over which you don’t allow yourself to focus on anything other than your writing.

For additional help, you can even cut off your device’s connection to the internet, or limit your open tabs exclusively to helpful apps to hone your English writing skills. For example, this resource from iWriter can boost your grammar skills mid-project.

Get Started Above All Else

free writing

Most of what prevents us from getting right to work on a writing assignment is not knowing how to start. However, it’s much easier to find our groove once we’ve got the ball rolling by any means necessary.

If you don’t know how to begin a project, try a brief period of writing every thought about your writing topic that comes to mind.

Focused free writing can be a very beneficial tool to help you organize your thoughts piece by piece rather than trying to outline your whole project at once.

Stay Open to New Tips and Tools

There are limitless unique strategies to help focus writing, whether before or after you complete a project. The most important way to stay alert to them is to keep yourself in the know.

It’s essential that you learn how to captivate your readers’ attention. One of the best ways to do this is by learning how to use literary devices. Scribophile explains that literary devices are tools and techniques that a writer uses when crafting their story that make the writing go beyond the literal meaning of the words on the page. These techniques take the story beyond the basics of beginning, middle, and end, to the more complex and satisfying levels of mood, flavor, narrative, and meaning.

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